Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Press conference and screening of drama SP "Inemuri Sensei"

The press conference and screening of new drama SP "Inemuri Sensei" starring Fujiwara Tatsuya and Nishida Toshiyuki was held at TV Asahi's HQ at Roppongi, Tokyo, on 11 August. The drama SP which will be shown on 15 September, is based on the autobiography of writer Ijuin Shizuka after his actress wife Natsume Masako passed away in 1985 at the young age of 27 and how he turned his life around after meeting fellow writer Irokawa Takehiro who was nicknamed the God of Gambling and Inemuri Sensei. Fujiwara plays the role of Ijuin while Nishida plays Irokawa in the drama SP.

Fujiwara commented that it had been a fulfilling experience for him to play Ijuin in this drama SP. On the other hand, Ijuin praised Fujiwara for being the exact opposite of him (meaning Fujiwara is prim and proper while he's not like that) and said that he was touched by the latter's performance. Nishida who had worked with the late Natsume in the NTV drama "Saiyuki", said that she was such a beautiful actress and had been the idol of the male cast but it was too bad that she was about to marry Ijuin after the filming at that time.

Source: Sanspo

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