Sunday, August 04, 2013

Matsuura Aya & w-inds' vocalist Tachibana Keita get married

Matsuura Aya and w-inds' vocalist Tachibana Keita filed their marriage application on 4 August and will be holding their wedding in Hawaii this autumn after a 12-year courtship. The couple started dating soon after their respective showbiz debuts in 2001 and had parted ways once before getting back again.

According to insiders, the two of them went to the ward office together to file their marriage application and had been to Hawaii in June this year to make plans for their wedding. The ceremony is expected to be held there after October and they have been living together since last year.

Source: Sanspo


  1. Done follow sini dear.. no. 104

    jom follow teman lak yea.. salam kenal.. heee..

  2. Sorry for being OT but I always look forward to your opinions and views on dramas and I'm wondering which dramas you watched and enjoyed in the spring season and which ones are you watching now.

    I'm watching Hanzawa Naoki and I'm finding it extremely captivating. I'm loving it. I'm also watching Amachan and, even though I've never watched an Asadora before, I'm enjoying it a lot.

    I didn't watch anything last season so I'm catching up now. I started with "Last Cinderella", which had such positive reactions. I like Ryoko Shinohara and so far I have only watched 4 episodes but, even though it's a fun and easygoing drama to watch, I think the story has no depth and the scripts are way too basic/cliche... so I'm not quite understand what all the fuzz was about. Did you watched? What were your opinions on it?


  3. Hi Andre, thank you for leaving your comment here.

    I'm also watching Hanzawa Naoki which I find really interesting too. Glad to know that there's someone who share my liking for this!

    I watched a couple of dramas from last season i.e. Kazoku Game, Last Cinderella and Galileo but haven't really got the time to write reviews for them yet. I get what you mean about Last Cinderella because I feel the same way but I'll leave my observations and thoughts to the review. Do keep a lookout for it here! ^__^
