Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Horikita Maki to star in FujiTV autumn 2013 drama "Miss Pilot"

Horikita Maki will be starring in the FujiTV autumn 2013 drama "Miss Pilot" which begins its run from October at 9pm on Tuesdays. She plays the heroine Tezuka Haru, the daughter of a family which owns an izakaya, who is innocent, naive and too frank for her own good thus making it impossible for her to find a job. One day, she comes across a ANA job advertisement for pilots and unexpectedly scraps through despite the tough requirements. This then marks the start to Haru's difficult journey to become a female pilot.

At present, there are slightly more than 20 female pilots among the 2,500 pilots hired by ANA. In order to boost the reality factor of the training, ANA will be offering full support to the cast and crew who will be able to film at places which are usually out-of-bounds to the public. The cast will also be wearing real ANA uniforms during the filming which are specially order-made for them.

Filming will begin in early September.

Source: Sponichi / My Navi

1 comment:

  1. Sweet, I thought there would be no drama on 2013 with her in it.
