Monday, August 19, 2013

Happy 7th anniversary, Dorama World!

7 years ago at precisely this moment, the very first post on Dorama World appeared on the Internet.

7 years is such a long time. A baby born 7 years ago would be in primary school by today. It hasn't been an exactly smooth-sailing period all this while because there were periods when I had to take a break from the blogging due to various reasons, be it work, studies or other engagements. Trying to revive this blog in November 2011 wasn't an easy decision to make. On one hand, I wanted to continue sharing my reviews and translated news. On the other hand, I wasn't sure if I could maintain the momentum and not disappoint those who had been still been reading the blog. Taking small steps at a time and sometimes taking short breaks in between but making up for it later, I'm glad to celebrate this occasion with everyone who had been reading whatever I've posted here. Thank you very much for your support to date and I really hope to hear more from you through the comments section. Please do not hesitate to share your thoughts, be it whether you agree or disagree with my reviews, find mistakes in my translations or wish to ask me to translate something.

There are some posts which I'm still in the midst of doing and they are taking me longer than I expected. Whatever requests I agreed to in the past, I tried to fulfill them if I had agreed to doing them. However, if you notice that it still hasn't appeared, it's all because of my lack of time and motivation to press on. I guess for me, laziness + fatigue = procrastination. I promise to try my best to churn out my half-done pieces soon but there's no fixed timeline at the moment. ^__^

On this day, I would also like to seek your comments on how you think this blog can be further improved. Fanciful blog visuals are not my forte (unless you can show me resources on how I can change the skin etc) but please feel free to share your thoughts, be it about the content or layout or design of the blog.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope that you'll continue joining me on this J-drama/J-movie/ J-ent journey!


  1. Happy birthday Dorama World and congrats!

    Particularly, I'm always looking forward to your reviews

  2. Happy Anniversary!

    I'm really thankful for your efforts. Your blog is really a great source for many updates/news in the world of Jdrama. Keep up the good work!

    Best of Luck!

  3. Thanks for all your hardwork.

    As a daily reader, please keep at it!

  4. Wow I have just bookmarked this blog for a few months and it is already 7 years old!

    Keep it up Chiaki! I really enjoy your translations!
    It really keeps me up to date on the J-drama and J-pop scene.

    Happy Birthday Dorama World! ^^

  5. Thank you very much for leaving your comments and well-wishes! Looking forward to sharing more about the J-ent world with everyone. ^__^

  6. Congratulations! 7 years is a long time.

    I enjoy your blog very much because it's a great balance between programming and celebrity news. Keep up the good work!

  7. Happy anniversary!

    I just found this blog last year but I always read it to find out the latest dorama news! There isn't a lot of Jdorama blogs out there that give such detailed reviews and news like this one so thank you! :D

  8. Congratulations! I only found out about this blog last year, didn't know it has such a long history. Thanks for all your time and effort. I will continue to follow your blog keenly.

    With suggestions to improve the blog, I am interested to see reviews of doramas you have watched. Most of your reviews seem to be for movies (I think?), it's hard to know what you are talking about when I haven't seen them.
