Saturday, August 24, 2013

"Hanzawa Naoki" baddie character changed to Owada Akira at the suggestion of Sakai Masato

Iyoda Hidenori, the producer of "Hanzawa Naoki", revealed that the change of the baddie character in the Tokyo arc which begins in the 6th episode to be shown on 25 August, was actually made at the suggestion of the lead actor Sakai Masato. In the original novel, the baddie character who had caused Hanzawa's father's suicide is the stand-in department manager but at the end of the last episode, it was revealed that the culprit is Owada Akira, the youngest managing director in the bank. Iyoda commented that Sakai raised the idea of reinforcing the idea of extreme evil which Hanzawa has to fight against thus the decision was made to choose Owada as the baddie in the Tokyo arc since Kagawa Teruyuki is great with portraying the sharp and cold side of his character.

Iyoda also said that Sakai is usually a very humble and cheerful person but he is becoming more and more like Hanzawa that sometimes he wants to call Sakai as Hanzawa. He also revealed that the rehearsal sessions for the drama tend to be longer than usual but this also means that the actual filming gets going more smoothly and wraps up early because the crew and cast are well-prepared during the rehearsals.

Source: Mantan Web

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