Tuesday, August 20, 2013

"Chibi Maruko-chan" back as a drama series with 3rd generation Maruko-chan Shinta Maki

FujiTV will be producing a new series to its "Chibi Maruko-chan" real-life drama adaptation for the first time in five and a half years which will be shown this autumn at 6pm on Sundays. The new drama which will feature a mix of stories from the manga and newly-created stories, will feature 8-year-old Shinta Maki as the 3rd generation Maruko after Morisako Ei in 2006 and Ito Ayaka in 2007. With regard to her first leading role in a drama, Shinta commented that she is very happy especially since she is a big fan of the Maruko-chan anime.

Source: Sanspo

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