Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Completion press conference of movie "Gacchaman"

The completion press conference of movie "Gacchaman" was held on 16 Jul in Tokyo which was attended by the cast members Matsuzaka Tori, Gouriki Ayame, Ayano Go, Suzuki Ryohei and Hamada Tatsuomi. The movie is scheduled to be shown in cinemas from 24 August and features Matsuzaka as the lead character Owashi no Ken. Matsuzaka revealed that this movie marked his first attempt at wire action which was tough but very exciting to him. On the other hand, Gouriki who plays Shiratori no Jun reflected on her first action scenes and said it was very fun. In the original anime, Jun is always featured wearing mini-skirts to fight but in this movie, Gouriki had a special pants-suit designed for her.

Source: Sanspo

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