Saturday, June 01, 2013

Tachi Hiroshi & Asano Atsuko to star in TBS summer 2013 drama "Naru you ni Naru sa"

Tachi Hiroshi and Asano Atsuko will co-star in the TBS summer 2013 drama "Naru you ni Naru sa" which begins its run from July in the Fridays 10pm timeslot. This is the first time in 8 years since Tachi and Asano last worked together in the 2005 movie "Mada mada abunai deka" and they play a married couple in this drama written by Hashida Sugako who feels a sense of loss after their children grow up and leave the family home. As such, they start a restaurant at their house and becomes a family of sorts with the three young people who work at their restaurant.

Tachi's character is a salaryman who went to various countries for work and raises the idea of opening a restaurant at home to his wife (Asano) when he's about to retire. With this move, they end up "attracting" three problematic young people i.e. Shida Mirai who plays a girl that just left a girls' rehabilitation centre and is living with the couple while working at the restaurant, Yasuda Shota who coops himself up at home and Konno Mahiru who plays a a divorced woman trying to escape from her husband who had abused her physically. Izumi Pinko will round up the cast as the elder sister of Asano's character who operates the ryotei owned by the sisters' family.

Source: Sanspo

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