Saturday, June 08, 2013

Mukai Osamu & Katagiri Hairi at press conference of stage play "Onodera no Otouto, Onodera no Ane"

Mukai Osamu and Katagiri Hairi appeared at the press conference for their stage play "Onodera no Otouto, Onodera no Ane" (The younger brother of Onodera, the elder sister of Onodera) on 6 June held at Osaka City. The play which is to be performed at Umeda Geijutsu Gekijou Theatre Drama City between 22 August and 28 August, is the first time that the lead actors are working together and they have to play siblings in the stage play. Katagiri commented that since they play a pair of siblings without parents and the elder sister is somewhat like a surrogate parent for the brother, she hopes to show the big-hearted side of the character in the play. As for Mukai who is doing comedy for the first time, he commented that besides having a good laugh, he hoped that the audience will feel touched after watching this play.

Source: Sponichi

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