The insert song of NTV Spring 2013 drama "Nakuna, Hara-chan" titled "Watashi no Sekai" sung by the "Kamome Children's Choir" in Misaki, Kanagawa Prefecture, will be released as a mobile phone ringtone from 2 February onwards. There was a performance of the song by the 13-strong choir at Kawasaki City on 1 February ahead of the release which was also attended by the leads Nagase Tomoya and Asou Kumiko. The drama features Nagase as Hara-chan, a comic character who comes into the real world and often sings this song while playing the guitar. The song is written by the drama's scriptwriter Okada Yoshikazu which is about how the heroine (Asou) in the story struggles to live life the way she wants. As there were many enquiries about the insert song since the first OA, NTV then decided to release it in the form of a mobile phone ringtone first followed by its inclusion in the drama's soundtrack which will be out on 20 February.
Source: Sponichi
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