Sunday, February 24, 2013

First-day screening of "Sougen no Isu"

The first-day screening of movie "Sougen no Isu" was held on 23 February at Marunouchi TOEI (1) which was attended by lead cast members such as Sato Koichi and Kichise Michiko. Kichise who just announced her first pregnancy two days earlier, was greeted with applause from the audience as she appeared in a black dress. She revealed that she had actually wished upon a shooting star for a child while she was filming the movie in Pakistan last August. Although Kichise's character in the movie was a woman who cannot get pregnant, she was thankful that her wish made in Pakistan came true for her after all. Sato said that even though he was also with Kichise during the filming of the scene under the starry sky, he didn't know she made such a wish and offered his congratulations during the event.

Source: Sanspo

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