Monday, February 11, 2013

Filming of "Joyu Reiko ~ Honou no You ni" at Oohara Reiko's residence

The filming of TV Tokyo's drama SP "Joyu Reiko ~ Honou no You ni" which is about the life of late actress Oohara Reiko, was held at the residence of Oohara. Uchiyama Rina, the lead actress who plays Oohara, commented that instead of using a temporary set, the drama SP will feature all the furniture used in Oohara's house in order to increase the realistic factor of the story.

Oohara had been found dead in her bedroom on 6 August 2009 and confirmed to have died of an illness three months later. Besides being known for her acting career, she also had a turbulent life where she went through two divorces and battled diseases such as the Guillain-Barre syndrome. However, there will be no filming inside Oohara's bedroom.

Source: Sponichi

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