Sunday, February 24, 2013

Completion press conference of movie "Fune wo Amu"

The completion press conference of "Fune wo Amu" was held on 19 February which was attended by lead cast members Matsuda Ryuhei, Miyazaki Aoi, Odagiri Jo and Kuroki Haru. The movie which is scheduled to be screened from 13 April, features a group of editors in a publishing company who come together to create a new edition of a dictionary. The story is based on the novel by Miura Shion which won the Honya Taisho last year. Matsuda confessed that he didn't like studying so he had never paid close attention to his dictionary while Miyazaki said that the last time she touched a dictionary could be way back to her primary school days. As Matsuda's character name is Majime (meaning serious in Japanese), the cast were also asked who is the most serious among them. Odagiri readily admitted that he should be the one but also added jokingly that he's usually more demanding of people and lenient towards himself.

Source: Yomiuri Hochi

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