Tuesday, January 08, 2013

First episode screening of "Saikou no Rikon"

The first episode screening event for FujiTV Winter 2013 drama "Saikou no Rikon" was held on 6 January at Odaiba Cinema Mediage which was attended by key cast members Eita and Ono Machiko. Maki Youko was down with flu while Ayano Go had a slipped disc so the two of them were absent from the event. Eita and Ono revealed how they had become closer since filming started and that they call each other by their first names and walked up stage holding hands. Eita commented when he first met Ono at the script reading session, he knew right away that they can work well together.

It was also revealed during the event that Kuwata Keisuke will be singing the theme song for this drama titled "Ginga no Hoshikuzu" which is the first time in 2 years. The song will be included in his triple A-side single "Yin Yang" to be released on 13 March. During the ending credits of each episode, Eita, Ono, Maki and Ayano will all dance to this song in tuxedoes and dresses with high slits and every episode will feature a different type of dance.

Source: Sanspo

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