Monday, December 17, 2012

Preview of Winter 2013 offerings: Saikou no Rikon (FujiTV)

Title: Saikou no Rikon (The Best Divorce)
Official site: here
Main cast members: Eita, Ono Machiko, Maki Youko, Ayano Go, Yachigusa Kaoru
Details on storyline etc: here
Timeslot: Thursdays 10pm

Comments: The premise of this story sounds really interesting. A man caught between not two girlfriends but rather one ex-wife and one ex-girlfriend who happens to be unhappily married. It's a somewhat familiar yet different kinda situation where we see a lot of love triangles in dramas but this has an additional level of complexity because of their marital statuses. Eita's character may be a divorced man but it doesn't mean that he can go to the other woman with no qualms because Maki Youko's character is married but is in a somewhat dysfunctional relationship with her playboy husband (Ayano Go). Moreover, things between Eita and Ono Machiko might get more complicated as there's always been this school of thought that sometimes, when two people are too close to each other, they end up not seeing each other's good points and simply harp on the bad things. The separation could do some good to their strained relationship and thus complicate things as we go along. Sounds really messy but I'm looking forward to seeing this being a light-hearted type of love story instead of some angst-filled tale about people in unhappy marriages. Besides, the age group of these characters are around the same as mine so I guess it will be easier for me to identify with the emotions they may be feeling.

Eita with two heroines sounds like a good fact too good to be missed. Coupled with the script being written by Sakamoto Yuji who last worked on "Sore demo, ikite yuku" which also featured Eita, I'm hoping for a sound story structure to keep me engaged throughout the season. Coincidentally, the trio are involved in some divorce-related gossip of late which leads to articles such as the one I read today about the three of them being selected for this drama on purpose in order to boost the interest level in this drama. However, no matter what happens in their private lives, I still hope that the drama can do well enough (by that, I mean between 12% to 15%) to stay afloat in the over-10% group. Nowadays, being able to do that is enough cause for celebration so I won't set unrealistic targets anyway.


  1. can I ask about the trio's rumours?I know about Maki Yoko.but about Eita and Ono Machiko?Aren't Eita and Kimura Kaela doing well?Ono Machiko isn't even married

  2. Maki Yoko was actually caught going on drinking dates with Tokiwa Takako's husband Nagatsuka Keishi and rumoured to be having a relationship with him so this led to speculation that her marriage was on the rocks. It's about the same for Eita who's been said to be drifting apart from Kimura Kaera. Anyway, other than the Maki Yoko report which did come out in the tabloids, the part about Eita seems to be based on unconfirmed rumours. The more recent version is that Maki and Eita seemed to be getting too close for comfort on the set of this drama but then, it could be just be rumours for the sake of publicity.

    As for Ono Machiko, she's not married but she was caught by the tabloids going on dates with a comedian by the name of Hosshan who divorced his wife in September. Thus, it's been said that Ono had a part to play in the breakdown of Hosshan's marriage.
