Friday, November 30, 2012

Kuroki Hitomi & Aibu Saki to face off in "Otome-san!"

Kuroki Hitomi and Aibu Saki will get involved in a mother-in-law vs. daughter-in-law battle in the TV Asahi Winter 2013 drama "Otome-san!" which begins its run from January via the Thursdays 9pm timeslot. Although the traditional setting of such stories is that the mother-in-law bullies the daughter-in-law, the tables are turned this time in the Inoue Yumiko script where Aibu plays a "scary" daughter-in-law who manages to make her mother-in-law's (Kuroki) life miserable after the latter finds out shocking truths about her daughter-in-law one by one. Kuroki's son played by Kaku Tomohiro and her husband played by Ishida Junichi do not take her side thus she has to fight her daughter-in-law alone in a bid to restore the peace in her family.

Source: Sponichi

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