Wednesday, October 10, 2012

First episode of "Going My Home" scores rating of 13.0%

The first episode of FujiTV autumn drama "Going My Home" starring Abe Hiroshi and Yamaguchi Tomoko scored a rating of 13.0% in the Kanto region for its 2-hour-and-3-minute debut on 9 October. The drama features Abe Hiroshi as Tsuboi Ryota, a producer at a CM production company who despite his big build, is a "small" man who can never stand up for his own views in front of the people around him including his wife Sae (Yamaguchi). Miyazaki Aoi plays a mysterious woman Naho who is suspected to be the illegitimate daughter of Ryota's father who suddenly falls ill.

Source: Sponichi  

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