Thursday, July 12, 2012

Toda Erika and Ayano Go reported to be dating

Toda Erika and Ayano Go are reported to be dating according to the latest issues of FRIDAY and Josei Seven. The two had been romantically linked since August 2010 after a report on them came out in Josei Seven but there have been rumours of them breaking up this year.

Both FRIDAY and Josei featured Toda and Ayano taking the Shinkansen on 5 July to Kobe which is Toda's hometown. When Toda's father was asked about his daughter's relationship with Ayano, he denied to FRIDAY that she had brought Ayano to meet her parents this time and that she had returned to Kobe to visit her sick grandmother in hospital. He stated that Ayano never came to the hospital with his daughter. However, he then admitted to Josei Seven that he had already met Ayano in Tokyo when he was there on business at the end of 2010.
When asked about his first impression of Ayano then, Toda's father said that he didn't think well of the latter at that time because Ayano appeared as if he lacked confidence in himself as he didn't earn much money then and that as a parent, he thought that Toda could have found a better man. He also admitted that he does not think that they will get married and it was only a matter of time before they parted ways.
Toda was previously linked to Kanjani 8's Murakami Shingo before rumours of her with Ayano came about and her father also admitted to meeting Murakami in the past. He said that Toda isn't the type to keep her relationships under wraps and even made an astonishing revelation that he had met Matsuyama Kenichi as well! Matsuyama was never linked to Toda in the past so this seems to suggest that he had dated her before. Toda's father remarked that he found Murakami and Matsuyama to be rather outstanding which is in stark contrast to how he views Ayano. At the end of the interview, Toda's father said that his daughter's relationships usually don't last more than two years so it's obvious that he firmly believes that Toda will never marry Ayano.
.Source: Josei Seven, Nikkansports
Well, I would believe that they are indeed dating if Josei Seven and FRIDAY had the photos to show that they went to Kobe. However, that interview with Toda's father seems rather odd, considering that his answers suggested that he doesn't approve of Ayano at all and would rather praise his daughter's ex-boyfriends in front of the press. I don't think he was looking down at Ayano for not earning enough money but rather, if Ayano had shown that he was confident and eager to succeed despite not being an established actor at that point in time, I don't think Toda's father would have viewed him in such an unfavourable light. I just wonder if Toda's father's answers were distorted by the reporters or he really did expose all those details without a care for how his daughter and her agency would react to this.
Funny thing is, Matsuyama Kenichi is now linked to Toda for the very first time because of her father's revelation and that nobody had even reported them to be an item in the past. Hmm...did it happen during Death Note's filming? The thought of L and Misa together just cracks me up for no reason although I do think they look good together. Just that it probably never crossed anyone's mind that something could have been going on between them.

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