Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Omori Nao to star in TV Tokyo drama SP "Oyaji ga kureta himitsu ~ Shimoarai 5 Kyoudai no Kikyou"

Omori Nao will be starring in the TV Tokyo drama SP "Oyaji ga kureta himitsu ~ Shimoarai 5 Kyoudai no Kikyou" which is due to be shown in September. The story is based on a popular play written by actor Oizumi Yo's theatre group TEAM NACS which they performed in 2009 and this will be the first time it is made into a drama. Co-stars in this SP include Ozawa Yukiyoshi, Koura Kengo, Nagayama Kento and Hasegawa Kyoko.

Source: Sanspo

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