The first episode of summer drama "Higashino Keigo Mysteries" shown on 5 July got a rating of 11.3% in the Kanto region. The drama featured Nakai Kiichi as the editor of a mystery magazine and navigator of the series and the first episode titled "Sayonara Coach" had Karasawa Toshiaki as its lead.
Source: Sponichi
Seems like the response is rather lukewarm...wonder what was the reason for the low ratings? The story? The acting? The appeal of the lead? I'll have to watch the first episode to get a clearer idea what might be the key problem. Anyway, with the Olympics coming up, the summer dramas are in for a beating especially if key games involving Japan are shown in the same timeslots. Let's hope that we won't see a season winner getting less than 15% in average ratings come September.
The script and the pacing. The final third is way too draggy. By the time you get to the big twist at the end, the drama has probably lost a lot of viewers.