Thursday, May 10, 2012

Toyokawa Etsushi and Ashida Mana in FujiTV summer drama "Beautiful Rain"

Toyokawa Etsushi and Ashida Mana will be starring in FujiTV summer drama "Beautiful Rain" which takes over the Sundays 9pm timeslot from "Kazoku no Uta" in July. Toyokawa plays a middle-aged single father whose wife passed away and he has to take care of his daughter in primary 2 (Ashida) while working in a factory. He realises that he's becoming extremely forgetful and keeps repeating the same actions which leads to him to discover that he's down with Alzheimer's disease. Co-stars include Miura Shohei, Tenden and Kanie Keizo. Given that competition is stiff in this timeslot and the current offering for this season i.e. "Kazoku no Uta" has been doing badly in its ratings, FujiTV hopes that this summer drama will be successful in turning the tide for the TV station.

Source: Sponichi Annex

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