Monday, May 07, 2012

Mukai Osamu starring in TBS summer drama "Summer Rescue - Tenkuu no Shinryoujo"

Mukai Osamu will be starring in the TBS summer drama "Summer Rescue - Tenkuu no Shinryoujo" (Summer Rescue - Sky Clinic) starting in July on Sundays at 9pm where he plays a promising doctor who gets despatched to a clinic located at a mountain 2000 metres over sea level. He has to cope with a lack of medical equipment and medicine while treating his patients. Filming for the drama will be starting at the end of this month. In preparation for the role, Mukai will be coached by Juntendo University professor Amano Atsushi who was part of the team who operated on the Japanese Emperor in February this year.

Source: Sponichi Annex

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