Wednesday, April 18, 2012

TOKIO's Matsuoka Masahiro collapsed due to dehydration

TOKIO's Matsuoka Masahiro collapsed in a sauna on 17 April due to dehydration and was sent to a hospital via an ambulance. According to Johnny's Jimusho, Matsuoka, who has a strong liking for saunas as a way of stress relief, went to a Tokyo sauna at 9am that day but complained of feeling unwell later. His manager then called for an ambulance at 11.30am. Matsuoka was put on the drip after being diagnosed as suffering from dehydration and had to skip the production press conference of stage play "Haiiro no Kanariya" which stars NEWS member Masuda Takahisa. He was expected to be back on 18 April for the recording of TOKIO's variety programme "5LDK".

Source: Nikkansports

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