Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Production press conference of "Papadoru!"

The production press conference of "Papadoru" was held at a chapel on 16 April where Nishikido Ryo and Yuka appeared in a white tuxedo and wedding dress respectively in a wedding setting. Other cast members including Kawashima Umika, Takahata Atsuko, Joshima Shigeru, Tani Kanon, Enari Kazuki and Zaizen Naomi also appeared during the event. When the cast were asked about getting married in secret, Joshima replied jokingly that they would have to inform their president Johnny-san at the very least if Nishikido or he is getting married secretly.

Source: Sponichi Annex


  1. Ryo was so beautiful, wearing a white tuxedo. I love your smile!

  2. I hoped to have more information about Joshima shigeru's caracter as Okijima mitsuru. i made researsh in the web but i didn't find some news about him.Perhaps you can help me ?
    according this drama the story remind me a lot Mukudono.for me it's a mix betwen "Mukudono" & "yanpapa" 2 great dramas with my baby love Nagase Tomoya.

  3. Hi utena_n,

    I haven't watched this drama yet but based on the cast writeup on Papadoru's official site, here is some information about Joshima's character Okajima Mitsuru:

    "A former idol and member of the popular group Gingatai who used to hold sold-out concerts at Budoukan. However, he is no longer who he was and has become an ordinary man who manages a restaurant named Kushiyaki Mitsuru with his wife. He understands Nishikido's woes and would give him useful and not-so-useful advice based on his past experience."
