Friday, April 13, 2012

Hitting the first 1,000

This marks the 1,000th post on this blog and oh my, this blog has been around for close to 6 years! Although I have to admit that there were some periods when I had to stop blogging for a while due to various commitments, I'm glad to say that since a few months back, you would have seen that there have been more regular updates as compared to before. I've not heard anything from anyone about how they feel about the things posted here (be it reviews or information about new dramas) although from the web statistics, this blog is getting a steady stream of visitors. Please feel free to post your comments on the posts (if possible, with a name or nickname so that I can address you properly rather Anonymous) so that we can discuss with one another on various things. It would be more interesting for everyone if we can have a lively exchange of views here.

Thank you for reading this blog all this while! I'm very certain that my views can't speak for everyone so there are bound to be people who disagree with my reviews. Nonetheless, it is still good to hear different views and I hope we can have a cordial discussion (not an argument) here. Looking forward to hearing from everyone soon!


  1. Congratulations on the 1000th post! That's amazing. I just discovered your blog recently. Keep up the good work.


  2. Hi Caca, thank you for your comments here and hope that you'll continue reading this blog! ^__^

  3. I usual don't comment. But I'd like to say, congrats on getting this far. I have been following your blog ever since I first discovered it. It's sort of rare to find a blog that has in-depth info about Jdramas and ects. Or maybe it's just me. Anyway, keep up the good work.

  4. Hi Drkflavuer, thank you for taking the time to leave a comment and reading this blog. Hope that you'll continue to find the posts here interesting to you! ^__^
