Thursday, February 09, 2012

Ninkyou Helper to be made into a movie

"Ninkyou Helper", the 2009 FujiTV drama starring Kusanagi Tsuyoshi, will be made into a movie as reported on 8 Feb. Kusanagi played a gangster who was sent to an old folks' home for training and the drama ended with him leaving the gang and going on a trip. In the movie sequel, Kusanagi's character will have to cope with the difficulties of being a former gangster and the challenges with working in a new old folks' home.

Kusanagi will have action scenes in the movie of which there's one which shows him fighting with 50 people. The movie is currently in the midst of filming and will be screened in Nov this year. Fellow cast members include Sakai Masaaki, Kuroki Meisa, Yasuda Narumi, Kaho, Kazama Shunsuke and Kagawa Teruyuki.

Source: Nikkansports


Now...if Kuroki Meisa is indeed pregnant, that means she will have less action scenes in the movie?

Movie adaptations of dramas don't always turn out well. What's suitable for dramas may not be the same as movies. Hopefully, this movie will do well in the box office.

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