Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Eita and Fukatsu Eri in stage play "Garasu no Doubutsuen"

Eita and Fukatsu Eri are starring in the stage play "Garasu no Doubutsuen" (Glass Zoo) which is directed by Nagatsuka Keishi. The play will start on 10 March and end its run on 3 April at Tokyo's Bukamura Theatre Cocoon.

Cast members including Eita, Fukatsu, Suzuki Kosuke and Tateishi Ryoko attended the production press conference on 6 Feb. The play which is adapted from Tennesse Williams' screenplay and depicts the lives of a family of four who live in their own memories. Fukatsu plays Eita's elder sister in the story.

Source: Sanspo

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