Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Sakai Noriko and her son missing; police report already filed by family members

Sakai Noriko and her son are now missing as family members and her agency try to find her whereabouts after news of her husband's arrest broke on 3 August. According to her agency's boss who called for a press conference in the evening of 4 August, Sakai was last seen by her manager in the middle of July where she applied for a month's break to spend time with her son who is on summer vacation. She was scheduled to be back at work at the end of this month. However, after news of her husband Takasou Yuichi's arrest was made known, Sakai couldn't be reached on her handphone anymore. When her agency staff went to her apartment, she and her son were nowhere to be found.

In the past, Sakai would always inform her agency whenever she goes on a holiday. This time round, nobody including her family and friends heard anything about an impending holiday. After discussing with Takasou's mother, they decided to file a missing person's report at 2pm this afternoon in the Akasaka Police Station.

Sakai's agency said that they hoped that nothing had happened to her and her son. Even though this trouble was caused by her husband, Sakai is known to be a very responsible person so they are worried that she may feel guilty about the trouble her husband had caused. Her agency's boss called upon Sakai to contact them once she watched the news on TV and said that they are willing to help her in any way they can.

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