Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Okuribito regains No.1 spot in box office after 25 weeks of screening

Okuribito has regained the No.1 spot in the box office ranking for last week, 25 weeks since it started showing in cinemas. As the film had just won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, this led to a renewed interest in the film. Over the weekend from 28 Feb to 1 Mar, Okuribito recorded takings of 320 million yen in just 2 days. This also makes it the first film to get the No.1 spot after a long screening period.

Okuribito first screened in the cinemas on 13 Sep 08 and registered a No.5 ranking on its debut week. Over the next five weeks, its highest ranking was only No.3. In January this year, it was No.28 on the charts. However, with the Oscar award under its belt, the number of cinemas screening this movie increased with the renewed interest.

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