Friday, February 20, 2009

Review of Kami no Shizuku Ep 1 to 3

Disclaimer: For those who are big fans of Kamenashi Kazuya or like the drama adaptation of Kami no Shizuku very much, you may wish to give this review a miss. I am stating my honest opinions on the drama which may not be music to the ears for some people. As such, to prevent you from getting upset over my personal views, I really suggest that you can consider whether you want to read further on.


I have decided to give up on this series after watching the first 3 episodes. In fact, the thought of giving up already crossed my mind before I finished Ep 2. However, I thought of giving this series another chance but Ep 3 failed to impress me. It only strengthened my belief that I should not be watching this anymore. In fact, I should never have started.

Like what I said before, I had my reservations as to whether Kamenashi Kazuya is suited for this role. I did not read the manga so I have no idea whether his potrayal of Shizuku is close to the original. I don't really care for that since I'm not a manga fan anyway. Usually, I will be very upset if the adaptation differs too much from the original but this time round, I do not have a basis for comparision. The problem here is that the drama feels very much like a last-minute slipshod piece of work and Kamenashi's acting plus his combination with Naka Riisa are not helping things either.

First of all, the packaging and overall feel of the series should deviate more towards the elegant and high-class spectrum. Even I can see that the cover of the manga has more effort put into it as compared to most titles. Wine, being a drink which is not consumed that regularly and commonly as compared to juices or even beer, has a air of mystique and elegance to it. However, looking at how these people drink wine makes it not so appealing after all. Gulping is a big no-no and seeing how Tomine (Tanabe Seiichi) acts like a lunatic while munching on the corks just puts me off.

Besides that, Kamenashi simply does not bring out that genius feel of Shizuku. Before the drama started, my impression of Shizuku was that he's an unwilling genius when it comes to wine. He doesn't want to know so much about it yet he has the talent that puts him above the rest. However, what I've seen so far is Shizuku depending largely on the help rendered by people around it. I just don't see how talented Shizuku is supposed to be. At least Kamenashi doesn't show it. He strikes me more like an average guy who happens to hit the jackpot by chance.

However, I must say that Naka Riisa is a bigger eyesore in the series. I hate girls like that. Her character, Miyabi may have some knowledge or should I say trivia for wine but I don't really feel as if she's of much help to Shizuku. Coupled with the fact that I don't like Naka's acting at all (strikes me like a bimbo following Shizuku all day long), I can't bring myself to like this combination. Not even a single bit.

And finally, the theme song is another big irritation for me. I know there's an issue of using theme songs by the lead actor or actress most of the time especially when it comes to Johnny's artistes. However, I cannot comprehend why the producers allowed a song from KAT-TUN to be the theme song. The image does not match at all! It is really a blind decision which I simply think that it's extremely detrimental to the series. A good theme song could have been some saving grace.

Despite boasting of using a bestselling manga as the story base and a pretty good cast, the lacklustre story and acting (the leads) plus that horribly mismatched theme song spoilt the viewing experience for me. Totally. No wonder it is now languishing in the single digit ratings region: 10.3% --> 7.3% --> 6.2% --> 5.0% --> 6.0%. It should be the hardcore fans who are still tuning in to this.

If you are a Kamenashi fan, I'm sure he has better works in the past especially Nobuta wo Produce. The problem is, he's not able to bring out the essence as yet, not so of the fact that he's a lousy actor all the time. He has done better before BUT this role doesn't suit him, clearly. He seems to be at a very awkward stage. He doesn't look that manly yet to be an adult and he's too old to play a kid. So...maybe he should do something about his image like Yamashita Tomohisa. Although I'm also not quite impressed with Yamapi's acting, I think he has a smoother transition to adult roles because of his beefed-up figure and emphasis on masculinity these days. You can't look like a young guy who's immature, hanging around, frivolous etc and expect to get serious roles with substance. It doesn't work.

My last words about this: Don't bother with this drama. It simply isn't worth your time. And I wasted close to 3 hours of my time which I do regret.


  1. Wow you sure used some harsh words there...I personally really like the drama and I'm enjoying it...but I won't start arguing with you since you're entitled to your own opinions...but I will point out 2 things to you...

    1) You say you have not read the manga, right? Then how the hell are you suppose to know what kind of character Shizuku is? You're basically just criticizng Kame's acting because he's not portraying the character the way that you ASSUME he is...what exactly do you base your judgment on? the cover of the mangas? Oh please! Have you ever heard of the phrase "never judge a book by its cover"? How can you possibly judge what kind of person a character is just based on the appearance or what not? Maybe you should read the manga before you start criticizing Kame's acting. I personally have read the manga, but I won't tell you how he is or how the storyline is, because I want you to learn for yourself.

    2) Secondly, you say it's a "fact" that Kame is a "lousy" actor right? correction! That is NOT a "fact", that's just purely your OPINION...or are you one of those immature people who think everything you believe are "facts"? Oh and then you go on to say he has done "better" in the aren't you contradicting yourself here?

    It's true that you have warned Kame fans of your harsh comments...but seeing just how bias you're being towards Kame, they have every right to be.

  2. damn for someone thats not about to "argue", that sounds like arguing lollll. but you do have point. I feel like you both have a point. The drama focuses too much on the sophistication and the shots and lighting, and not enough on the actual emotions that the viewers are supposed to be feeling. Now that said, I have watched a few episodes and you know what, its not TERRIBLE but it is definitely not on the same level as some of these other AMAZING dramas that are on this season like there are some seriously great dramas on and so the ratings on Kame's drama are reflecting this. I would go as far as to say that One Pound Gospel and this Kami no Shizuku are no different in quality level (im not saying whether it is of high or low, just they are on the same level whatever that is). I personally feel like Kame is a decent actor but i do feel a lil put off sometimes cause it feels like hes trying mega hard to be all cool and i just want to see some raw real acting. the girl...hmm shes quirky. um she actually LOOKS like the asian version of a person i worked with and she was bit quirky and out there like this girl so i love and hate the girl as i do my friend lolll so yea. those are my two cents. lets be friendly to each other now ^_^

  3. matsu-chan, I wish to put things into perspective. I truly appreciate your comments and thank you for reading my post. However, I believe you have misunderstood certain sections.

    1) First of all, I have not read the manga. And this means that I did not read from the first book right up to the latest volume which has been released. That was what I meant. I did read a few chapters and based my comparison on that little bit I read. And my comparison was with the first three episodes of the drama ONLY.

    And based on that little bit of material, the visuals e.g. character design and packaging of the manga as a whole, I pointed out the discrepancy which I felt was hard to ignore. I know characters do develop over time and that they will usually turn out to be different from initial expectations. However, I felt that the drama started off on a wrong footing. If they got the foundation wrong, the development won't be that convincing.

    The problem with drama adaptations is that there is an expectation as to how the character should be potrayed, right at the beginning. With a specified character structure, an actor is restricted in terms of the ways he can potray this character. I did mention that Kamenashi was very much at ease with playing his character in Nobuta wo Produce, right? And my point for Kami no Shizuku, there is a mismatch. Not just in terms of appearance because of his young face. Wearing a suit or drinking wine doesn't make him look like an adult overnight, right? It's got more to do with mannerisms and the way the script shows Shizuku to be.

    2) And I definitely did not say that Kamenashi IS a lousy actor. Please look at my words in full:

    "The problem is, he's not able to bring out the essence as yet, not so of the fact that he's a lousy actor all the time. "

    This sentence means that Kamenashi's problem lies in not being able to potray Shizuku convincingly on the whole, not because I hate him as an actor. I apologize if my words have been vague to you in any manner or caused any misunderstanding but I do not wish to have my words taken out of context.

    I am prepared for criticism whenever I post a review. I am aware that not everybody likes what I write. This is because we all have our preferences and bias. Especially with this post, I know that there will be a backlash from Kamenashi or even Naka Riisa's fans. However, please remember this. This is my personal opinion. You can point out everything which you don't agree with but let's not get overly worked out over this. Let's discuss, not argue. Anyway, arguing won't change things. It certainly won't change the way the ratings are going.

    Thank you once again for the feedback.

  4. dogangel22, thank you very much for your comments.

    I think that for Kamenashi to really grow up as a good actor, he needs to ditch the way he tries hard to look cool and charming. This is a big problem with a lot of JE guys these days. One-pattern style of acting. How many of them really take on controversial or those small but intriguing roles? Look at how people like Miura Haruma or Matsuyama Kenichi has proved themselves by taking on a variety of roles. They may not be the leading man all the time but they have shown substance and significant potential over the years.

    Maybe it's the management or it's the guys themselves. Unless they forget about trying to look kakkoii on screen all the time, many people won't be convinced that they can act. I know idols have their images to protect BUT honing your acting skills in a small role or not getting to sing the drama theme song will not kill you. It's OK to play a supporting role and get more experience. If they continue to be obsessed about getting leading roles but do not have the equivalent amount of experience or potential to show what they can do, it will be of no use. You can be sure that many people like me will continue to dish out unfavourable comments about their acting, much to the ire of their fans.
