Saturday, August 19, 2006

Fresh Start of Dorama World

For those who are new to Dorama World, welcome and thanks for visiting this space. For those who were members from the forum which is the predecessor of this blog, thank you for continuing to support me by reading and responding to what I will be posting here.

Reasons as to why I have to start afresh elsewhere are already provided in the email I have sent to all members. Please make your presence felt here by posting comments to this message under your existing nicknames from the forum.

This blog will be very personalised, which means two things.

First of all, I will post as and when I have the time because I'm so caught up with work and studies that I really do not have the luxury to post regular updates. It becomes a chore over time and it really makes me tired just trying to catch up on the backlog. This defeats the purpose of setting up the forum in the first place because I really enjoyed what I had been doing.

Secondly, I will post whatever I like i.e. the news/reviews I post would be those which I feel an interest about to report on. That's why you may not be seeing any updates of your favourite artistes/dramas/movies here because they happen to be those whom I'm not interested in.

Last but not least, thanks again for continuing to show your support for the blog.


  1. hi! poch here.. sad to hear about the closure of the forum. but nice that you'll still continue through this blog.

    take care! and don't work too hard

  2. I'm sad to read there won't be any updates to the forum anymore. It was one of the sites I check every morning. But I'm very happy you decided to continue to post your reviews and thoughts in this blog!

    You're certainly right, it's time to stop something you're doing for fun when it becomes a chore. It's just a hobby after all. Good luck with work and your studies, I hope everything works out well for you!

    One thought I had - if you feel like it, would you mind compiling a list of the japanese pages you checked regularly? If it's too much trouble, no problem, I can always go through the forum and collect the links myself. But I thought maybe you already had a list of bookmarks you felt like sharing.

    Greetings from Germany!

  3. Hi ricci, perhaps you would like to tell me what type of sites you are interested in? For example, news or official websites of TV stations/movie companies? In that case, I would then be able to provide the necessary information.

    Thanks for popping over to here and hope that you will continue to support this tiny space in future.

  4. Oh, I'm such an idiot for not specifying, forgive me! My main interests are dorama and Johnny's Entertainment, not official sites, but inofficial news, rumours and the like. It's so awesome of you that you go through this trouble for me, thank you!

    I always liked your reviews, even though I didn't comment much, so I'll be sure to come here in the future. :) Thanks for sharing your opinions and views!

  5. hi erin,
    i just found out about your desicion to close DW the forum ^^

    thank you for everything you've done. n for sure I'm gonna follow this whole new DW :-)

    ganbatte ne!

    p/s: good luck on your JLPT too. another 3 months to go \('o')/

  6. Hi,

    It's sad to found out the closure of DW...

    I appreciate all your hard works in your previous forum.

    I will continue support for this new forum...
