Thursday, February 19, 2015

Oshima Yuko to star in TBS Spring 2015 drama "Yamegoku ~ Yakuza yamete itadakimasu ~"

Oshima Yuko will be taking on the role of a police officer for the first time in the TBS Spring 2015 drama "Yamegoku ~ Yakuza yamete itadakimasu ~" which will be shown from April in the Thursdays 9pm timeslot. This will also be her first leading role in a drama. She plays an officer in the Metropolitan Polie Department's Organised Crime department who receives calls from gang members wanting to leave their gangs and provides assistance to help them do so. Oshima will also have to take on action scenes in the drama thus in preparation for the start of the filming in mid March, she will be undergoing martial arts training.

Source: Sponichi