Wednesday, September 04, 2013

1st week completion screening event of NHK drama "Gochisousan"

The 1st week completion screening event of NHK drama "Gochisousan" was held on 2 September at NHK which was attended by the lead actress An, Zaizen Naomi, Toyoshima Hana and the scriptwriter Morishita Yoshiko. An plays a girl from Tokyo who's a big eater and marries a guy from Osaka so she moves there with him and goes through the turbulent Taisho and Showa eras. Toyoshima plays the childhood version of An's character while Zaizen plays An's mother in the drama. When asked by the press about what is different between "Gochisousan" and its predecessor hit "Ama-chan", An said that the time setting is different so the human relationships in an era where her character tries to make delicious food for others despite the lack of resources will be something to look out for.

Source: Sanspo

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